About the Journal
The main purpose of the scientific-theoretical and applied electronic journal "Verba. Northwest Linguistic Journal" is to create favorable conditions for the development of linguistics, to contribute to the improvement of the level of scientific research by publishing scientific articles containing information on significant results of scientific research and practically significant ways of their application in the field of linguistics.
The objectives of the journal are:
– to expand the communicative space of interaction between Russian and foreign scientists working in the field of linguistics;
– to organize discussions on topical issues;
– to provide information support for scientific research in the form of publishing the results of scientific and practical research;
– to cover the works of outstanding representatives of linguistic science;
– to maintain high scientific standards through the involvement of leading scientists and specialists in the review process;
– to assist researchers in improving their publications;
– to develop the journal as a scientific publication of "open access";
– to expand the journal's presence in international databases and open electronic resources.