Advantages of Using Databases in Linguistic Research




database, poetic syntax, diachronic rhetoric, Feofan Prokopovich


The paper examines special opportunities that databases provide for linguistic research. The role and significance of databases are analyzed using four specific projects that have been developed or are in the process of development with the active participation of the staff of the Russian Language Department of Petrozavodsk State University. The presented databases illustrate how an interdisciplinary approach, including close interaction of linguistics with information technology and other scientific disciplines, can enrich and simplify the research process. The paper emphasizes the advantages of this approach in collecting, systematizing and analyzing linguistic material, as well as in using the results obtained for further scientific research. One of the key aspects of the discussion is the fact that databases allow storing, processing and analyzing large amounts of information, which is difficult with traditional methods of work: databases simplify access to a wide range of linguistic data, allow to quickly and accurately find the necessary information, as well as to conduct multivariate analyses, which can increase the depth of research. Examples of additional capabilities, such as integration of data from different sources, semi-automated analysis and the ability to quickly update information, which are practically unavailable when using traditional approaches to working with material, are given. It is concluded that databases not only simplify the work of a linguist, but also open up new horizons for interdisciplinary research, providing innovative tools for solving complex problems in the field of linguistics.


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Author Biography

A. A. Lebedev, Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor



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How to Cite

Lebedev А. А. (2024). Advantages of Using Databases in Linguistic Research. Verba, (3 (13), 36–49.