Anthroponymy of Kaliningrad cultural media landscapes




cultural medial landscape, linguistic landscape, anthroponyms, stage names


This paper describes the main structural models included in the anthroponymy presented in the announcements of cultural events of the city, based on the material of the cultural media landscape of Kaliningrad. The dominance of stage names with the active use of multi-level English-language features is revealed. Their functioning within the texts of media posters is realized in the form of foreign-language elements written in Latin characters. Changes in the reference composition of active participants in cultural events, among whom representatives of new directions of the entertainment industry predominate, are stated. The conclusion is made about the dominance of Anglo-American cultural content and an assumption is made about the relationship between hybrid models of stage names and the value system they convey.


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Author Biography

T. V. Polyak, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation

postgraduate student



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How to Cite

Polyak Т. В. (2024). Anthroponymy of Kaliningrad cultural media landscapes. Verba, (4 (14), 22–32.