Review procedure

1. The author sends a package of documents to the postal address of the editorial board: an article in accordance with the "Requirements for publications", information about the author, a license agreement.

2. The editorial board sends the article for review to the reviewers. As a rule, the reviewer is a doctor of sciences, a specialist in the subject of the material, who has, over the past 3 years, publications on the subject of the reviewed article. A reviewer can be a candidate of sciences, if they are at the same time a recognized specialist in this field. (Review form).

3. Articles are reviewed according to the double-blind peer review scheme (the reviewer does not know the author, the author of the article does not have information about the reviewer).

4. Based on the reviews, the editorial board makes a decision to publish the article. Articles are published in the journal in the order of priority of receipt.

5. In case of refusal to publish an article, the editorial board sends a reasoned refusal to the author.

6. The generated issue is sent to the editorial office for preparation for publication.

7. The publication is carried out in accordance with the journal's issue plan.

8. The retention period for reviews in the editorial office is at least five years.

9. The editorial board has the right to send the article for additional review at its own discretion.

10. The editorial board does not enter into theoretical discussions with the authors. Proofreading will not be sent to authors, sent materials will not be returned.

11. No fee is paid to authors for articles published in the journal.